Friday, March 30, 2007

29 Mar 07 Reflection

The woman who committed adultery is fully aware of what’s going to happen to her and is aware of her guilt too.

Though at the end no one condemned her, but will she condemn herself?

When we make mistakes we need to forgive ourselves.
Condemning ourselves do not lead us anywhere

Can you tell God everything about yourself? Do you accept the fact that only Jesus can save us?

Reading: Genesis 3:1-13
Prayer: Psalm 62

28 Mar 07 Reflection

What was Jesus focus on the adulterous woman? What was He doing when He was looking down?

He was giving them a chance to walk away.

Do we give others or ourselves a chance too? Do we push our spouse over to a point where prides take over and we refuse to apologies?

Does Jesus condemn us? Do we condemn ourselves?
If Jesus does not condemn us, why are we condemning ourselves?

What is the alternative to a situation?

Reading: Tobit 12:6-10
Prayer: Psalm 106

27 Mar Reflection

What do you do when you are faced with temptation?

What should do before you are about to commit a sin?

We must make a commitment to change

Reading: Romans 7:13-25
Prayer: Psalm 38

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

26 Mar 07 Reflection

Who like sin?
Nope of us like sin

We do not like people who are selfish but are we not selfish?
Judgmental is the nature of the Pharisees

When you admit that you committed a sin because of others, you are being self-righteous

There is always a tendency that we listen more to what others says than to what your sisters/brother or your spouse comments on you.

Ask your brothers or sisters if there’s any part in your life that you need to change.

Reading: 7:1-5
Prayer: Psalm 51

Saturday, March 24, 2007

What is Church for?

The church is a hospital for sinners, not a hotel for saints. The church is for people for are hurting. The church is for people who don't have it all together but are honest enough to say, " We're not perfect, but we want to grow. And we're all in this together.

Quoted from "The Power To Change Your Life" by Rick Warren

23 Mar 07 Reflection

When you say “I’m sorry”, who are you focusing on? -you are focusing on yourself
It should be “I’m sorry, will you forgive me?” – there must be an action that follows

Are you changing?
Have you reach a point where everything is taken away from your life except the Father?

When you get angry, what are you going to do? What is the plan of action for the change?

Reading: Matthew 7:21-27
Prayer Psalm 142

Friday, March 23, 2007

22 Mar 07 Reflection

The protégé son came to his sense when he had spent all his money and was left with nothing.

When do we come to our senses?
Do we have to wait till we experience a shock in our life before we come to our senses?

What have you realized so far? In what areas in your life have you realized that you need to change?

It’s scary if you do not find anything that you need to change. Only people who think they are perfect do not need a change, but nobody is perfect in this world, except Jesus Christ. You need to change in order to grow.

Put your awareness into action. Change requires commitment and awareness; it is not a wishful thinking.

For a real change to happen there must be real sorrow first.
The sorrow where you admitted your mistake and is apologetic for it. A real sorrow does not involve pride. You should not feel prideful to apologies for your mistake

Reading: Luke 3:4-14
Prayer: Psalm 13

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

21 Mar 07 Reflection

Gospel Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
The young son who lives in debauchery.
Debauchery meaning - Extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures

Listening to music, watching tv and telling white lies excessively are examples of debauchery.

Are we living in Debauchery as well?
Sometime we are so used to telling white lies that we got numb in doing it. Since everyone is doing it, you do not find it wrong to do the same thing

The young man realizes that he was wrong and he changed, do we realize when we are in the wrong too?

When you are watching tv excessively, can God speak to you?
What is excessive in our life?
When we do things excessively, we
1. Lost sight of Kingdom of God
2. Lost sight of Father, Son & Holy Spirit
3. Lost sight of others

When you do things excessively, there’s something within you that is missing, craving for an attention

Are we doing what is required of us?
Jesus asks us to love one another as He has loved us.
How can we love someone when these excessive things come before them?

Reading: Romans 13:11-14
Prayer: Psalm 1

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

20 Mar 07 Reflection

Referring to this week’s Gospel Reading, the younger son got the inheritance without doing anything, the elder son wanted rewards for his hard work.

Are we doing good so that we can go to Heaven or are we good because we are good?
What are we working for?

We need to be Holy to get into the right relationship with God

Can you attain Heaven with all the good works you do?
There’s no *HPF available and it is only through Jesus that you can go to Heaven

*HPF = Heavenly Providence Fund (accumulative of merits)

We cannot go to Heaven just because of what we do good.
The only way is to live the right relationship with God

Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:15-18
Prayer: Psalms 19

19 Mar 07 Reflection

What do we demand from God?
Who is God? We or Him?

Are we serving Him or being in a relationship with Him?

We should treat our relationship with God as friend.
If we question God for not answering our prayers, we are denying the friendship

What makes us think that he is not looking after us?

Reading: Philippians 2:12-16
Prayer: Psalms 4

*Thanks to Anne & Serene for the reflection

Updated 28 Feb 07 Reflection

Pilgrim to journey of holiness

Holiness is created in the image of God, limited in our knowledge and understanding

Psalms 8: Make a little less than a God, journey of humility to accept myself as whom I am

The Journey towards dependency on God and on others

Reading: Genesis 4:9 & Ephesians 1:3-14
Prayer: Psalms 8

*Thanks Anne for the reflection

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Inspiring Message

Thessalonians 5:18
In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths

You have a choice to either focus on your problems or focus on God, who holds the solution